Scott Sternberg shoots polaroid series for Band of Outsiders
Frank examining Scott Sternberg's polaroids for Band Of Outsiders
Band Of Outsiders's founder Scott Sternberg himself shot a new series of polaroids to promote the brand's new Spring line. Frank Ocean is the lastest in a long line of celebrities to model for the brand.
Sternberg spoke to The Hollywood Reporter on the shoot:
We started a dialogue about the shoot a while back, at the same that he was working on the concept for his Grammy performance. He had a very specific, inspired idea to wear a yellow tux against that video backdrop, which seemed like a worthy challenge to try to get right.
It was inspired by the idea of protest, and counterculture images from 1950s and '60s photographers like Wallace Berman and Dennis Stock. The look for the shoot was derived from that show, but each individual look was tweaked so they were closer to Frank's style
Scope the complete gallery of shots below.