UC Berkeley offers an English course on Frank Ocean
image via Preya Gill
This fall, UC Berkeley will offer an English course based on the work of Frank Ocean. Preya Gill and Deborah Chang are sophomore students whose proposal was accepted this week. Their DeCal class promises to "encourage deeper literary exploration of Frank Ocean’s artistry both in lyrics and through visuals and performances."
The two organizers met as roommates and bonded over their mutual adoration of Frank Ocean. In an interview with the university's website, they ellaborated on the course goals:
"We hope that people will gain a greater understanding of Frank Ocean’s artistry and the way he challenges hyper-masculinity and gender politics. We really want to prove to people that he has a place among so many poets that we study and read about.”
The course is sponsored by university English professor, Lyn Hejinian, who is also a fan of Ocean's work.
"The critical skills students develop studying the lyrics of a favorite Frank Ocean song are broadly applicable, from close analysis of the poet Wordsworth in a traditional English class or parsing a manipulative billboard or piece of fake news."
The course will cover the artistic history, upbringing, background, musical influences, artist identity, and the way Frank challenges dominant social concepts such as toxic-masculinity and gender politics.
Only 30 seats are available and are expected to fill quickly for the approaching fall semester. Both Frank's mother and brother have acknowledged the course. For those won't have the opportunity to participate in class, Gill told The Fader "We will consider live streaming options and posting our course material online to share with the world!"