blonded ENERGY!

blonded Radio returns after a 7 month hiatus with two new interviews. In this episode, titled ENERGY!, Frank talks to Master Mingtong Gu about the practice of Qi Gong.

An earlier episode, titled Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds saw Frank Ocean conduct an interview with Dr. James Fadiman, an esteemed researcher in the area of psychedelics. The episode also featured a thirty-five minute score produced by Frank himself.

Following a similar format to his December interview with Wim “The Iceman” Hof, the episode focuses on the interview and score. Unlike that episode, there was no additional music released following the discussion. This episode ditches the episode numbering we would typically expect, which indicates it is a special like Xmas and Midterm specials of years past.

Frank Ocean’s publicists have described these episode as the “latest from a series orientated on ‘how to change your mind’.”