'Nostalgia Lite' may have have clearance issues

In a new interview with MTV, Frank Ocean talked about how much time he spends working on writing his songs and the clearance issues he's having with the many samples planned for Nostaligia Lite, the reissue of his 2011 mixtape Nostalgia Ultra.
Ultra was released in February. Ocean voiced his distaste for how his label, Def Jam, supported the release the following month.
Watch the full interview above and read more below.
"i’m not grounded bro. i’m bouncing all around this ****."
"Everything that we did together built that up. But it was just genuinely from being fans, liking what each other was doing and then making good music.
In a new interview with MTV, Frank Ocean talked about how much time he spends working on writing his songs and the clearance issues he's having with the reissue of his 2011 mixtape Nostalgia Ultra.
Australian director Nabil Elderkin took the lead on this new music video for Nostalgia, ULTRA's lead single "Novacane."
Frank Ocean accompanied Tyler, The Creator to the LA Leakers' studio for a quick interview about his favorite songs on Nostalgia, ULTRA and his plans for tour.
"**** Def Jam & any company that goes the length of signing a kid with dreams & talent w/ no intention of following through. **** em.